Customizing StringsYou can customize any string (text) on your Eggspress site using the strings configuration file.
Create Custom ComponentsEggspress lets you write JSX in your Markdown files. In this article, we'll show you how you can embed dynamic, interactive, React components directly in your Markdown content.
Create ComponentsEggspress lets you write JSX in your Markdown files. In this article, we'll show you how you can embed dynamic, interactive, React components directly in your Markdown content.
Configure Share ButtonsLet your readers share articles and pages on your site to the web. This guide will show you how to configure your share buttons. You can decide where they display and which buttons to present to your visitors.
Eggspress ChartEggspress Chart turns your CSV files into dynamic charts on your pages. Create bar, line, bubble, scatter, and pie charts with ease.
Troubleshoot Build IssuesThis post will help you troubleshoot issues you might be having with your build on Vercel and what to do if you're still having issues.
Update Eggspress Periodically, we'll update the main Eggspress repository with bug fixes, new features, and other changes. Here's how to keep your forked copy of Eggspress up to date.
Using FrontmatterFrontmatter contains data that can help create better experiences for you and your readers. Learn how frontmatter works and our advice for using it.